Text version
H1: Standards
- Text: short explanatory sentence
H2: Standards and the W3C
- Text: paragraph on specifications
H3: We publish specifications for the following web technologies:
- A number of links to different areas of interest:
- accessibility
- browser
- data
- graphics
- internationalisation
- media
- performance
- privacy
- security
- Web API
- Web of things
Box: Search Technical Reports link
Link: Learn more about the different types of reports W3C publish.
H2: Recent activity
An example result:
H3: Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) 2.0
- Text: W3C Recommendation
- Text: Date
- Link: History
- Link: Authoring tool accessibility guidelines working group
- Links: available in English, simplified Chinese
- Link: accessibility
(This results box is repeated 2 times)
Link: view all standards
H2: You may also be interested in
H3: Specification reviews and public feedback
- Text: paragraph on public reviews
- Link: Read more
H3: Code and implementation
- Text: paragraph on implementation
- Link: Read more
H3: Promote standards
- Text: paragraph on standards
- Link: read more
H3: Standards FAQ
Box 1
- Text: What does a web standard mean?
Box 2
- Text: Does W3C publish other types of documents related to standards or future work?
Box 3
- Text: Where should I send comments about a specification?
Box 4
- Text: Where can I find information regarding patent disclosures / claim exclusions?
Link: see all standards FAQ